Lisa Rinzler
Preţul suprem (2014)The Supreme PriceGen: Război, Istoric, Documentar
Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God (2012)Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of GodGen: Documentar
Visions of Light (1992)Visions of LightGen: Istoric, Documentar
Lightning in a Bottle (2004)Lightning in a Bottle
The Soul of a Man (2003)The Soul of a Man
Poveste în Lisabona (1994)Lisbon StoryGen: Muzical, Dramă
Pollock (2000)PollockGen: Dramă, Biografic
The New York Review of Books: 50 de ani de dispute (2014)The 50 Year ArgumentGen: Documentar