Mel Smith
Actor, regizor, scenarist, producator
Locul naşterii: Londra, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 03.12.1952
Data decesului: 19.07.2013
Comentarii (2)
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Babylon (1981)Alan
"The Kenny Everett Television Show" (1981)Various (3 episodes, 1983-1984)
Restless Natives (1985)Pyle
Bloody Kids (1979)Disco Doorman
The Misadventures of Mr. Wilt (1990)Inspectorul Flint
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (1989)Domnul Grimshaw
Art Deco Detective (1994)Porno Movie Director
Slayground (1983)Terry Abbatt