Michael Flynn
The Paper Brigade (1996)Mr. Wheeler (Gunther's Dad)
Prieteni pe viață (2008)Jim
The Dance /I (2007)Charles
The Home Teachers (2004)Karl
The Book of Mormon Movie, Volume 1: The Journey (2003)Laban
The Adventures of Dash Dawson (2009)Admiral Thomas Alten
The Lamb of God (1992)Pilate
The Testaments: Of One Fold and One Shepherd (2000)Pharisee #2
Michael Flynn (producator executiv) – a fost producator executiv al filmului “Pushing Tin” si coproducator al filmelor “The Crow: City of Angels”, “Ed Wood”, “Romeo is Bleeding” si “Liebestraum”.
A produs “My New Gun” si ca producator asociat a lucrat la: “Reversal of Fortune”, “To Sleep With Anger”, “Talk Radio”, “Blue Steel”, “Wall Street”, “Waiting for the Light”, “Walker”, “Masters of the Universe” si “True Stories”.
Flynn lucreaza in prezent la productie Castle Rock: “Hearts in Atlantis” (in care joaca Anthony Hopkins si regizat de Scott Hicks).