- La malédiction d'Edgar (2013)
- The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman (2013)
- Leap Year (2010)
- Moonshot (2009)
- The Descent: Part 2 (2009)
- World War Two: Behind Closed Doors (2008)
- Freakdog (2008)
- The Walker (2007)
- Dark Corners (2006)
- United 93 (2006)
- Where the Truth Lies (2005)
- Blessed (2004)
- Out for a Kill (2003)
- Down (2001)
- The 51st State (2001)
- My Own Country (2000)
- A Secret Affair (1999)
- Cruel Justice (1999)
- Milgaard (1999)
- In the Company of Spies (1999)
- My Father's Shadow: The Sam Sheppard Story (1998)
- The Fixer (1998)
- Strike! (1998)
- Lexx (1997)
- Ms. Scrooge (1997)
- Let Me Call You Sweetheart (1997)
- That Old Feeling (1997)
- La Femme Nikita (1997)
- What Kind of Mother Are You? (1996)
- The Morrison Murders (1996)
- Her Desperate Choice (1996)
- Fly Away Home (1996)
- Extreme Measures (1996)
- PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal (1996)
- Net Worth (1995)
- Almost Golden: The Jessica Savitch Story (1995)
- Lives of Girls & Women (1994)
- The Lifeforce Experiment (1994)
- Blown Away (1994)
- Due South (1994)
- Trial & Error (1993)
- Kung Fu: The Legend Continues (1993)
- Teamster Boss: The Jackie Presser Story (1992)
- Shattered Promises (1992)
- Clearcut (1991)
- Tropical Heat (1991)
- The Last Best Year (1990)
- Counterstrike (1990)
- Sorry, Wrong Number (1989)
- Millennium (1989)
- Day One (1989)
- The Big Turnaround (1988)
- Betrayal of Silence (1988)
- War and Remembrance (1988)
- No Blame (1988)
- Iron Eagle II (1988)
- Gorillas in the Mist (1988)
- Deep Sea Conspiracy (1987)
- My Pet Monster (1987)
- Walking on Air (1987)
- Too Outrageous! (1987)
- Street Smart (1987)
- Sadie and Son (1987)
- Rolling Vengeance (1987)
- Echoes in the Darkness (1987)
- Blue Monkey (1987)
- My Pet Monster (1986)
- The Truth About Alex (1986)
- Unnatural Causes (1986)
- Doing Life (1986)
- Twilight zone (1985)
- Kane & Abel (1985)
- Charlie Grant's War (1984)
- Police Academy (1984)
- A Matter of Sex (1984)
- Louisiana (1984)
- Heartsounds (1984)
- A Case of Libel (1983)
- Running Brave (1983)
- Between Friends (1983)
- Visiting Hours (1982)
- Escape from Iran: The Canadian Caper (1981)
- The Kidnapping of the President (1980)
- F.D.R.: The Last Year (1980)
- Fish Hawk (1979)
- Wild Horse Hank (1979)
- Bear Island (1979)
- Plague (1979)
- Why Shoot the Teacher? (1977)
- The War Between the Tates (1977)
- The Fighting Men (1977)
- Age of Innocence (1977)
- Flight to Holocaust (1977)
- The Neptune Factor (1973)
- The Discoverers (1972)
- The Reincarnate (1971)
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