Moe Howard
Actor, scenarist
Locul naşterii: Brooklyn, New York, SUA
Data naşterii: 19.06.1897 (77 ani)
Data decesului: 04.05.1975
Comentarii (1)
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Half-Wits Holiday (1947)Half-Wits HolidayRol: Moe
Scrambled Brains (1951)Scrambled BrainsRol: Moe
Men in Black (1934)Men in BlackGen: Scurt metraj, ComedieRol: Dr. Moe Howard
Squareheads of the Round Table (1948)Squareheads of the Round TableGen: Scurt metraj, ComedieRol: Moe
Pest Man Wins (1951)Pest Man WinsRol: Moe
Mummy's Dummies (1948)Mummy's DummiesRol: Moe
Three Hams on Rye (1950)Three Hams on RyeRol: Moe
Fiddlers Three (1948)Fiddlers ThreeRol: Moe