Noah Taylor
Locul naşterii: London, England, UK
Data naşterii: 04.09.1969 (55 ani)
Comentarii (2)
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Luptând cu destinul (2014)PredestinationGen: SF, ThrillerRol: dl. Robertson
The Year My Voice Broke (1987)The Year My Voice BrokeRol: Danny Embling
Flirt (1991)FlirtingGen: Dramă, Romantic, DragosteRol: Danny Embling
He Died with a Felafel in His Hand (2001)He Died with a Felafel in His HandRol: Danny
Songlines (1989)SonglinesRol: (video 'Romeos')
Simon Magul (1999)Simon MagusGen: Romantic, Mister, FantasticRol: Simon
Cele nouă vieți ale lui Tomas Katz (2000)The Nine Lives of Tomas KatzGen: DramăRol: Hyde Park Nutter
Max (2002)MaxGen: DramăRol: Adolf Hitler