Ora Jones
Suntem deja mari (2023)We Grown NowGen: Dramă
Mai mult decât ficțiune (2006)Stranger Than FictionGen: Dramă, Fantastic, RomanticRol: Banneker Press Receptionist
Were the World Mine (2008)Were the World MineGen: Muzical, Fantastic, DragosteRol: Doamna Boyd
Meteorologul (2005)The Weather ManGen: Dramă, Comedie
Belele marca Dee Dee (2005)The Trouble with Dee DeeGen: ComedieRol: Gallery Owner
Unchiul Nino (2003)Uncle NinoGen: Comedie, Familie, Dramă
Regăsirea fiului (1995)Losing IsaiahGen: DramăRol: Day Care Woman
Sofer de taxi in Chicago (1997)Chicago CabGen: DramăRol: Pregnant Woman