Philip Martin Brown
Locul naşterii: Manchester, England, UK
Data naşterii: 09.07.1956 (68 ani)
Darkest Hour. Ziua decisivă (2017)Darkest HourGen: Dramă, Biografic, IstoricRol: Sawyers
A Perfect Spy (1987)A Perfect SpyGen: Thriller
Legenda călărețului fără cap (1999)Sleepy HollowGen: Fantastic, Mister, Horror
Urechea acului (1981)Eye of the NeedleGen: Thriller, Romantic, RăzboiRol: Billy Parkin
Death Comes to Pemberley (2013)Death Comes to PemberleyGen: Romantic, Mister, Dramă
Revolta de pe Bounty (1984)The BountyGen: DramăRol: Seaman John Adams
A Harlot's Progress (2006)A Harlot's ProgressRol: Gaoler
"Wing and a Prayer" (1997)"Wing and a Prayer"Rol: John Daley (14 episodes, 1997-1999)