Richard Carlson
Actor, regizor, scenarist
Locul naşterii: Albert Lea, Minnesota, SUA
Data naşterii: 29.04.1912 (65 ani)
Data decesului: 24.11.1977
Comentarii (1)
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Hold That Ghost (1941)Hold That GhostGen: Thriller, Mister, ComedieRol: Doctor Jackson
All I Desire (1953)All I DesireRol: Henry Murdoch
Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)Creature from the Black LagoonGen: Aventuri, SF, HorrorRol: David Reed
Behind Locked Doors (1948)Behind Locked DoorsRol: Ross Stewart
It Came from Outer Space (1953)It Came from Outer SpaceGen: SF, Thriller, HorrorRol: John Putnam
The Valley of Gwangi (1969)The Valley of GwangiGen: SF, Western, ThrillerRol: Connors
The Magnetic Monster (1953)The Magnetic MonsterRol: Dr. Jeffrey Stewart
The Maze (1953)The MazeRol: Gerald MacTeam