Richard Todd
Actor, producător
Locul naşterii: Dublin, Irlanda
Data naşterii: 11.06.1919 (90 ani)
Data decesului: 03.12.2009
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The Naked Earth (1958)Danny
A Man Called Peter (1955)The Rev. Peter Marshall
Never Let Go (1960)John Cummings
The Long and the Short and the Tall (1961)Sgt. 'Mitch' Mitchem
Portrait of Clare (1950)Robert Hart
The Very Edge (1963)Geoffrey Lawrence
Sfânta Ioana (1957)Dunois, Bastard of Orleans
Venetian Bird (1952)Edward Mercer
Catherine Grant-Bogle1949 - 1970căsătorie
Carole Lesley1958 - 1963relaţie amoroasă
Virginia Mailer1970 - 1992căsătorie