Richard Vernon
Locul naşterii: Reading, Berkshire, Anglia, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 07.03.1925
"Edward the Seventh" (1975)"Edward the Seventh"Rol: Lord Salisbury (3 episodes, 1975)
"Paradise Postponed" (1986)"Paradise Postponed"Rol: Sir Nicholas Fanner (9 episodes, 1986)
Gandhi (1982)GandhiGen: Dramă, Biografic, IstoricRol: Sir Edward Gait
Waters of the Moon (1983)Waters of the MoonRol: Colonel Selby
Servitorul (1963)The ServantGen: DramăRol: Lord Mounset
Goldfinger (1964)GoldfingerGen: Acţiune, ThrillerRol: Smithers
Cash on Demand (1962)Cash on DemandRol: Pearson
Noaptea unei zile grele (1964)A Hard Day's NightGen: Muzical, ComedieRol: Man on Train