Imagini de arhiva
- 100 Greatest Stand-Ups (2007)
- Class Dismissed: How TV Frames the Working Class (2005)
- Saturday Night Live: The Best of David Spade (2005)
- 101 Most Unforgettable SNL Moments (2004)
- TV's Greatest Sidekicks (2004)
- 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)
- When Stand-Up Comics Ruled the World (2004)
- Saturday Night Live 25 (1999)
- The Bad Boys of Saturday Night Live (1998)
- Saturday Night Live: The Best of Mike Myers (1998)
- Classic Stand-Up Comedy of Television (1996)
- 20 Years of Comedy on HBO (1995)
- Television's Christmas Classics (1994)
- Johnny Carson's 29th Anniversary (1991)
- Saturday Night Live Goes Commercial (1991)
- Funny Women of Television (1991)
Filmografie - altele