Foarte bun actor,m-a convins cu rolul său din one summer.
pe 22 Ianuarie 2022 10:54
Este un actor chipes, isi face bine rolurile, insa poate cam prea relaxat.
pe 08 Februarie 2021 13:40
Un actor ok , fata de altii de la Hallmark ,nu il prefer in mod special dar a fost destul de bun in My One & Only 2018
pe 27 August 2011 12:45
A jucat in mult mai multe flme..Eu una l-am vazut in vreo 3 seriale: in Gossip Girl, Point Pleasant si in Greek.
Ca sa va dau o mana de ajutor...Puteti adauga filmele in care a jucat:
1.Popular (1999) -Stone Cold Fox Boy
2. 7th Heaven(1999-2000) -Brad Landers
3.Prison of the Dead(2000) -Calvin
4.Microscopic Boy(2001) -Blake
5.The Brotherhood(2001) -Chris Chandler
6.Men, Women & Dogs (2001) -Tom
7.All My Children(2002-2003) -Trey Kenyon
8.American Dreams(2003-2004) -Drew Mandel
9.Wish You Were Here(2005) -David Dunsmore
10.Cruel World (2005) - Daniel Anderson
11.CSI: Miami(2005) -Jeff Marshall
12.Point Pleasant(2005-2006) -Jesse Parker
13.Filthy Gorgeous (2006) - Zach
14.Shark(2006-2007) -Casey Woodland
15.Finish Line(2008) - Mitch Camponella
16.Imaginary Bitches(2008) -Riley
17.CSI: NY (2009) -I.T. Guy
18.Slave(2009) -David Dunsmore
19.Melrose Place(2009) -Victor
20.Falling Up (2009) -Buck
21.Desperate Housewives(2010) -Sam Allen
22.Mad Men(2008-2010) -Greg Harris
23.Gossip Girl (2010) -Colin Forrester
24.Castle(2010) -Brian Elliott
25.Greek(2010) -Joel
26.Lie to me(2011) -George Parker
27.Annie Claus is Coming to Town(se filmeaza)-Ted
Ca sa va dau o mana de ajutor...Puteti adauga filmele in care a jucat:
1.Popular (1999) -Stone Cold Fox Boy
2. 7th Heaven(1999-2000) -Brad Landers
3.Prison of the Dead(2000) -Calvin
4.Microscopic Boy(2001) -Blake
5.The Brotherhood(2001) -Chris Chandler
6.Men, Women & Dogs (2001) -Tom
7.All My Children(2002-2003) -Trey Kenyon
8.American Dreams(2003-2004) -Drew Mandel
9.Wish You Were Here(2005) -David Dunsmore
10.Cruel World (2005) - Daniel Anderson
11.CSI: Miami(2005) -Jeff Marshall
12.Point Pleasant(2005-2006) -Jesse Parker
13.Filthy Gorgeous (2006) - Zach
14.Shark(2006-2007) -Casey Woodland
15.Finish Line(2008) - Mitch Camponella
16.Imaginary Bitches(2008) -Riley
17.CSI: NY (2009) -I.T. Guy
18.Slave(2009) -David Dunsmore
19.Melrose Place(2009) -Victor
20.Falling Up (2009) -Buck
21.Desperate Housewives(2010) -Sam Allen
22.Mad Men(2008-2010) -Greg Harris
23.Gossip Girl (2010) -Colin Forrester
24.Castle(2010) -Brian Elliott
25.Greek(2010) -Joel
26.Lie to me(2011) -George Parker
27.Annie Claus is Coming to Town(se filmeaza)-Ted