Sarah Brackett
Masca mortii rosii (1964)The Masque of the Red DeathGen: Horror
O înmormântare în Berlin (1966)Funeral in BerlinGen: Thriller, AcţiuneRol: Babcock
Cavalerii disciplinei (1983)The Lords of DisciplineGen: ThrillerRol: Mrs. Durrell
The Third Secret (1964)The Third SecretRol: Nurse
Preotul iubirii (1981)Priest of LoveGen: DramăRol: Achsah Brewster
Scream for Help (1984)Scream for HelpRol: School Secretary
Odyssée d'amour (1987)Odyssée d'amourRol: Elizabeth Henkes
The Bunny Caper (1974)Sex PlayGen: ComedieRol: Harriet