Seton I. Miller
Scenarist, producător
Locul naşterii: Chehalis, Washington, USA
Data naşterii: 03.05.1902 (72 ani)
Data decesului: 29.05.1974
Aventurile lui Robin Hood (1938)The Adventures of Robin HoodGen: Aventuri, Acţiune, Familie
'G' Men (1935)'G' MenGen: Crimă, Dramă
Ministerul Groazei (1944)Ministry of FearGen: Thriller, Mister, Film noir
Bullets or Ballots (1936)Bullets or BallotsGen: Thriller, Dramă, Crimă
Two Years Before the Mast (1946)Two Years Before the Mast
Queen for a Day (1951)Queen for a Day
The Criminal Code (1931)The Criminal CodeGen: Crimă
Convicted (1950)Convicted