Shirley Patterson
Locul naşterii: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Data naşterii: 26.12.1922 (72 ani)
Data decesului: 04.04.1995
Comentarii (2)
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The Land Unknown (1957)The Land UnknownGen: SF, Fantastic, AventuriRol: Margaret 'Maggie' Hathaway
The More the Merrier (1943)The More the MerrierRol: Girl
The Harvey Girls (1946)The Harvey GirlsGen: Western, MuzicalRol: Harvey Girl
The Shrike (1955)The ShrikeRol: Celia Johns
The Long Wait (1954)The Long WaitRol: Carol Shay
The Bottom of the Bottle (1956)The Bottom of the BottleRol: Gossipy Woman
Driftin' River (1946)Driftin' RiverRol: J.C. Morgan - called Jenny
Tumbleweed Trail (1946)Tumbleweed TrailRol: Robin Ryan