Sue Ane Langdon
Locul naşterii: New Jersey, SUA
Data naşterii: 08.03.1936 (89 ani)
Comentarii (2)
Vezi comentariile
Zapped! (1982)Zapped!Rol: Rose Burnhart
Când băieții au întâlnit fetele (1965)When the Boys Meet the GirlsGen: MuzicalRol: Tess Rawley
A Man Called Dagger (1968)A Man Called DaggerRol: Ingrid
Hold On! (1966)Hold On!Rol: Cecile Bannister
Hawken's Breed (1987)Hawken's BreedRol: Holly Clawson
Eram straini cand ne-am intalnit (1960)Strangers When We MeetGen: DramăRol: Daphne
The Great Impostor (1961)The Great ImpostorRol: Eulalie - Chandler's daughter
UHF (1989)UHFGen: ComedieRol: Aunt Esther