Terence Alexander
Locul naşterii: Londra, Anglia
Data naşterii: 11.03.1923
Claudine (1974)ClaudineRol: Teddy
The Green Scarf (1954)The Green ScarfRol: Wireless Operator
Pe faza! (1962)On the BeatGen: ComedieRol: Chief Supt. Belcher
The Woman with No Name (1950)The Woman with No NameRol: 2nd Sapper officer
Breakout (1959)BreakoutRol: Farrow
Top Secret (1952)Top SecretRol: rol minor
The Price of Silence (1959)The Price of SilenceRol: John Braine
Bitter Harvest (1963)Bitter HarvestRol: Andy