Tom Gill
Actor, scenarist
Locul naşterii: Newcastle on Tyne, Anglia, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 26.07.1916 (54 ani)
Data decesului: 22.07.1971
The Definition of Insanity (2004)The Definition of InsanityGen: Dramă, ComedieRol: P.I.
No Highway (1951)No HighwayRol: R.A.F. Pilot
The House in the Square (1951)The House in the SquareRol: Macaroni
Wicked as They Come (1956)Wicked as They Come
Forbidden Cargo (1954)Forbidden CargoRol: Montana hotel receptionist
Rolls Royce-ul galben (1964)The Yellow Rolls-RoyceGen: Dramă, Dragoste, Romantic
Simon and Laura (1955)Simon and LauraRol: T.V. Producer
The Weak and the Wicked (1954)The Weak and the WickedRol: Shop Assistant