Troy Donahue
Locul naşterii: New York City, New York, USA
Data naşterii: 27.01.1936 (65 ani)
Data decesului: 02.09.2001
Flood Tide (1958)Flood TideRol: Teenager at beach
Rome Adventure (1962)Rome AdventureGen: Dragoste, Romantic, DramăRol: Don Porter
Wild Heritage (1958)Wild HeritageRol: Jesse Bascomb
The Legend of Frank Woods (1977)The Legend of Frank WoodsRol: Sheriff John Baxom
American Rampage (1989)American RampageRol: Police Psychiatrist
Hawkeye (1988)Hawkeye
The Godfather Saga (1977)The Godfather SagaGen: Thriller, Dramă, Crimă
Nașul II (1974)The Godfather: Part IIGen: Dramă, CrimăRol: Merle Johnson
Maggie Pierce1959relaţie amoroasă
Sally Todd1960 - 1961relaţie amoroasă
Lili Kardell1961 - 1962relaţie amoroasă