Twink Caplan
Locul naşterii: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Data naşterii: 25.12.1947 (77 ani)
Sarutul de la miezul noptii (2007)In Search of a Midnight KissGen: Dragoste, Romantic, ComedieRol: mama lui Wilson
Changing Spots (2006)Changing SpotsRol: Aunt June
Liceenele din Beverly Hills (1995)CluelessGen: ComedieRol: Miss Toby Geist
Everything Will Happen Before You Die (2010)Everything Will Happen Before You DieGen: ComedieRol: Blanche
Bani din rai (1981)Pennies from HeavenGen: Muzical, Dragoste, RomanticRol: Bank Customer
O noapte la Roxbury (1998)A Night at the RoxburyGen: Comedie, Romantic, Muzical
Iubitul mamei mele (2007)I Could Never Be Your WomanGen: Romantic, Dragoste, ComedieRol: Sissy
Uite cine vorbește (1989)Look Who’s TalkingGen: ComedieRol: Rona