Virginia McKenna
Locul naşterii: Londra, Anglia, Marea Britanie
Data naşterii: 07.06.1931
Comentarii (2)
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Waters of the Moon (1983)Waters of the MoonRol: Mrs. Whyte
Născută în libertate (1966)Born FreeGen: Familie, Dramă, AventuriRol: Joy Adamson
A Town Like Alice (1956)A Town Like AliceRol: Jean Paget
Ring of Bright Water (1969)Ring of Bright WaterRol: Mary MacKenzie
The Ship That Died of Shame (1955)The Ship That Died of ShameRol: Helen Randall
Swallows and Amazons (1974)Swallows and AmazonsRol: Mrs. Walker
Simba (1955)SimbaRol: Mary Crawford
Passionate Summer (1958)Passionate SummerRol: Judy Waring