- No One Can Hear You Scream (2022)
- The Mark (2019)
- Haunting (2018)
- Return to Salem's Cove (2018)
- Gavin Hook (2017)
- Murder Calls (2017)
- The Over-Mountain Men: The Price of Freedom (2016)
- The Ghostbusters: A Web Series (2016)
- The Cardinal Rule (2016)
- Elbow Grease (2016)
- Rough Patch: Twisted Fate (2016)
- The Legend of Seven Toe Maggie (2015)
- The Games That Children Play (2014)
- Swamp Murders (2013)
- Fatal Attraction (2013)
- I'll Be Homeless for Christmas (2012)
- Exit 101 (2010)
- Devastation