Walter Woolf King
Locul naşterii: San Francisco, California, USA
Data naşterii: 02.11.1899 (84 ani)
Data decesului: 24.10.1984
Cele zece porunci (1956)The Ten CommandmentsGen: Dramă, FamilieRol: Herald
O noapte la opera (1935)A Night at the OperaGen: Comedie, Muzical, DragosteRol: Rodolfo Lassparri
O iubire de neuitat (1957)An Affair to RememberGen: Romantic, Dragoste, DramăRol: Doctor in Hospital
The Outsider (1961)The OutsiderRol: Civilian
Stars and Stripes Forever (1952)Stars and Stripes ForeverRol: President's aide
The Joker Is Wild (1957)The Joker Is WildRol: Mr. Page
Kathy O' (1958)Kathy O'Rol: Donald C. Faber
Fratii Marx in Vest (1940)Go WestGen: Comedie, MuzicalRol: Beecher