Zoë Wanamaker
Locul naşterii: New York, SUA
Data naşterii: 13.05.1949 (75 ani)
Comentarii (2)
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"Edge of Darkness" (1985)"Edge of Darkness"Rol: Clemmy (3 episodes, 1985)
Suspect de crima (1991)Prime SuspectGen: Crimă, Mister, ThrillerRol: Moyra Henson
"Paradise Postponed" (1986)"Paradise Postponed"Rol: Charlotte 'Charlie' Titmuss (8 episodes, 1986)
Harry Potter și Piatra Filozofală (2001)Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's StoneGen: Fantastic, Aventuri, MisterRol: Madame Hooch
David Copperfield (1999)David CopperfieldGen: DramăRol: dra .Murdstone
Gormenghast (2000)GormenghastGen: Dramă, Comedie, AventuriRol: Clarice Groan
Inside the Third Reich (1982)Inside the Third ReichRol: Annemarie Kempf
Magica legenda a spiridusilor (1999)The Magical Legend of the LeprechaunsGen: Fantastic, Aventuri, ComedieRol: Mary Muldoon