Premiera internațională 13.10.1978
Cybill Shepherd debuteaza pe micile ecrane in rolul unei sotii casnice, care tanjeste dupa romantism si senzatii tari.
Plictisita de casnicia sa si incurajata de prieteni, Julie Walker isi doreste o aventura amoroasa. Fantezia si realitate se intrepatrund adesea, fapt ce da nastere la complicatii si dureri de cap. - Comentarii Comenteaza
Cybill ShepherdJulie Walker
Eve ArdenEmployment lady
John HillermanMarvin
Bernie KopellBill
John ApreaChelner
Bonnie FranklinShirley
Carmen ZapataMrs. Garcia
Tom PostonMarty Gibson
Barbara FeldonMaggie
John BynerElevator Man
Charles FrankJerry Walker
Sarah PurcellMarsha
Danny WellsCracked Crab Waiter
Bill DanaEd Small
Peter MarshallFred Hurley
- Hy Averback
- Jerry Rainbow
- Vezi toată echipa
- Filme regizate de Hy Averback
Te iubesc, Alice B. Toklas (1968)I Love You, Alice B. Toklas!
Cu: Peter Sellers, Leigh Taylor-Young, Jo Van FleetGen: Comedie, Romantic, DragosteChamber of Horrors (1966)Chamber of Horrors
Cu: William Conrad, Jeanette Nolan, Philip BourneufCând luminile s-au stins (1968)Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?
Cu: Morgan Freeman, Robert Morse, Terry-ThomasGen: Comedie
- Filme cu Cybill Shepherd
Ultimul spectacol cinematografic (1971)The Last Picture Show
Cu: Jeff Bridges, Timothy Bottoms, Cloris LeachmanGen: DramăLunga vară fierbinte (1985)The Long Hot Summer
Cu: William Forsythe, James Gammon, Bill ThurmanThe Heartbreak Kid (1972)The Heartbreak Kid
Cu: Charles Grodin, Cybill Shepherd, Jeannie BerlinGen: Comedie, Romantic, Dragoste
- Filme cu Eve Arden
One Touch of Venus (1948)One Touch of Venus
Cu: Bess Flowers, Charles Sherlock, James FlavinGen: Comedie, Fantastic, MuzicalOur Miss Brooks (1956)Our Miss Brooks
Cu: Don Porter, June Blair, Philip Van ZandtGen: ComedieThe Lady Wants Mink (1953)The Lady Wants Mink
Cu: Jean Fenwick, Thomas Browne Henry, Hope Emerson
- Filme cu John Hillerman
Luna de hartie (1973)Paper Moon
Cu: Ryan O'Neal, Tatum O'Neal, Peter BogdanovichGen: Comedie, DramăCartierul chinezesc (1974)Chinatown
Cu: Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John HustonGen: ThrillerCe se întamplă, doctore? (1972)What's Up, Doc?
Cu: Barbra Streisand, Ryan O'Neal, Madeline KahnGen: Comedie, Familie, Muzical