J. Edward BrombergDr. Elfini
Virginia MayoHoney Swanson
Danny KayeProfesorul Hobart Frisbee
Benny GoodmanProfesorul Magenbruch
Bess FlowersNightclub Extra
Joseph CrehanDistrict Attorney
Lane ChandlerPoliceman at Twin Oaks Inn
Hugh HerbertProfessor Twingle
John ImpolitoChef at the Dixieland
Sidney BlackmerAdams
Paul E. BurnsJustice of the Peace
Joe DevlinAdams' Henchman
Mary FieldMiss Totten
Lucille CaseyWoman at Dorsey Club
Paul LangtonJoe
Ben WeldenMonte
O.Z. WhiteheadProfessor Oddly
Bert LeBaronChef at Dixieland Club
William HaadeDetective from D.A.'s Office
Milicent PatrickWoman at Dorsey Club
Felix BressartProfessor Gerkikoff