Brian BaumgartnerBob Jansen
Khary PaytonMichael Forrest
Lance HenriksenWalter Moffitt
Alec GillisCharlie
Alex QuickChild from Lithuania
Andrew QuickChild from Lithuania
Anette UmilingaMother from Rwanda
Angele QuickMother from Lithuania
Arabella HaydenStudent
Avery GoldenBoy from Nebraska
Druid AlturaChild from the Philippines
Ella PrattStudent
Emily ScottStudent
Garth WinklessMan from Scotland
Gavin HaydenStudent
Griffin JahrStudent
Irwin AlturaFather from the Philippines
James MadioNathan Miller
Katelyn MagallonStudent
Kelly QuickFather from Lithuania
Kyle Quick
Lira AngelTeacher
Mila AlturaMother from the Philippines
Sachiyo KanbayashiJapanese Ambassador
Sadie PrattStudent
Sano KaramangaChild from Rwanda
Spencer JahrStudent
Tai Wah LimMan from China
Tom Woodruff Jr.Control Technician