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    pe 09 Martie 2012 00:36
    -Saya ii da din sangele lui Irene,dar din pacate leacul nu functioneaza,Irene moare

    ''Irene's only chance of survival is to drink some of Saya's blood, so Saya agrees. She cuts her palm and lets her blood drip into Irene's mouth. At first, the Thorn seems to abate, but it returns worse than ever. Irene screams as her body crystallizes and her limbs and head fall off. Moses concludes that it isn't Saya's blood they need. It is Diva's. The Schiff decide to look for Diva, and Kai offers them a chance to join missions, but Moses doesn't believe that the Schiff have what it takes to work side by side with others, so they fly away, leaving Saya with a small chunk of red crystal that was once part of Irene's body. But first, Moses says, "Thanks."

    Aboard the floating Red Shield HQ still docked in Marseilles, Julia and Collins are continuing to analyze the D-base, although it is with mixed feelings, since everything about it must be kept top secret. Meanwhile, at the Goldsmith mansion, Amshel and Arjano acknowledge that Julia's discovery and analysis of the D-base may be the key to understanding how to control the Chiropterran factor, since their own attempts at genetic engineering with Delta-67 have been fraught with problems, zooanthropy in particular, where test subjects spontaneously turn into Chiropterran monsters. In Paris, while Saya and her two chevaliers stroll down some of Haji's favorite streets, Okamura and Mao try to convince David and Lewis to tell them what's going on. Kai can't take Mao's bravado any longer and goes on a walk, ending up on the same observation deck of the Eiffel Tower where he first met Irene. He looks around and sees Saya holding in her hand the red crystal that was once Irene. In Solomon's office in Paris, Solomon is speaking on the telephone with his big brother Amshel about the possibility of giving Arjano a job transfer. Suddenly, someone enters his office. Carl Fei-Ong has returned. ''