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  • Vorador
    pe 27 Aprilie 2012 00:35
    -David se infiltreaza in laboratorul lui Argeno,el il rapeste pe acesta
    -Saya se lupta cu James,dar acesta abandoneaza lupta la ordinul lui Nathan Mahler

    ''James is escorting Diva to a luncheon with the Secretary of Defense when Diva decides that she wants to stop at Covent Garden to sing her song. Against his better judgement, James accedes to Diva's wish.

    David has met with Okamura and Mao in the Tube and learned that the two sponsors of Diva's performance are Cinq Flèches Corporation and Goldsmith holdings. Okamura also has discovered that Cinq Flèches has expanded their pharmaceutical business into the food industry and are now providing nonperishables to military bases and camps around the world. He shows David a photo of a London-based Goldsmith/Cinq Flèches research facility and a photo of the boss, whom David immediately recognizes as Van Arjano. David decides to infiltrate the facility.

    Wearing a fake ID that identifies him as John E Hamilton, David gains entrance to Zone Z, a restricted area where not even surveillance cameras are allowed. There, he discovers that Zone Z houses a gestation tank for Corpse Corps clones. On further investigation, David finds the lab where Julia is now working. Surprised to see each other, Julia tells David that, through her research, she has learned that many of those who are sensitive to hearing Diva's song have been young boys and girls. Just as David is about to leave, Arjano enters the lab with a half dozen Corpse Corps troops. Arjano recognizes David as a Red Shield agent and offers him a piece of candy. David reaches for it but then suddenly gets Arjano in a neck lock and holds a ball-point pen to his jugular. Arjano is sufficiently frightened, enough that he orders the Corpse Corps to stand down, and David is able to escape.

    Meanwhile, Kai has been watching Covent Garden and noticed Saya and Haji hovering on the roof. Inside the concert hall, Diva sings to James and Nathan. When Saya and Haji walk into the hall, they notice that the stage has been made to look like The Zoo. They are greeted by Nathan who introduces them to James. James has morphed into his Chiropterran body and charges after Saya and Haji. Nathan watches the fight, but Diva announces that she is bored and leaves the concert hall.

    Suddenly, Kai rushes in and starts shooting at James, but James' tough Chiropterran skin deflects the bullets, so Kai shoots at a steel girder, causing it to fall on James. That only slows him down, and moments later he's after Saya again. Saya has at him with her sword, but James' skin is so tough that not even Saya's sword will penetrate it. Instead, James bats Saya across the room then bears down on her for the kill. Suddenly, Nathan steps between them, preventing James from reaching Saya. Confused by Nathan's behavior, James retreats. Nathan follows, leaving a severely wounded Saya in Haji's arms. As Kai watches, Saya bites down on Haji's neck and begins to drink his blood. ''