Premiera internațională 23.02.1987
- Comentarii Comenteaza
Jane AlanMarie
Catherine BattistoneLunarian Queen
Roger CarelEmpereur de Parlo/Conseiller de Ithica (French dub)
Kazuhiko InoueJiru
Tôru FuruyaIzu
Wendee LeeJuliet 1
Michael ForestLunarian Advisor
Bruce WinantPrince Roland
Olivier CruveillerConseiller de Parlo (French dub)
Barbara GoodsonPrincess Veronica
Kazuki YaoTorel
Ichiro NagaiPiralu
Michael McConnohieKing Drako
Dave MallowLunarian Court Member
Hidekatsu ShibataKing Ransuro
- Kunihiko Yuyama
- Vezi toată echipa
- Filme regizate de Kunihiko Yuyama
Ushio and ToraUshio and Tora (1992)
Cu: Andy McAvin, Rob Mungle, Junie HoangShin Kimagure orenji rôdo: Soshite, ano natsu no hajimariShin Kimagure orenji rôdo: Soshite, ano natsu no hajimari (1996)
Cu: Tôru Furuya, Hiromi Tsuru, Jessica CalvelloPokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of MewPokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (2005)
Cu: Sean Schemmel, Addie Blaustein, Dan Green
- Filme cu Jane Alan
Castelul umblător al lui HowlHauru no ugoku shiro (2004)
Cu: Christian Bale, Chieko Baishô, Takuya KimuraGen: Animaţie, Fantastic, RomanticDigimon Adventure Tri. 3: Confession Digimon Adventure Tri. 3: Confession (2016)
Cu: Kinoko Yamada, Chika Sakamoto, Takahiro SakuraiSpace Adventure CobraSpace Adventure Cobra (1982)
Cu: Wendee Lee, Reiko Tajima, Steve Bulen
- Filme cu Catherine Battistone
Hadashi no GenHadashi no Gen (1983)
Cu: Wendee Lee, Barbara Goodson, Takeshi AonoHokuto no kenHokuto no ken (1986)
Cu: Kirk Thornton, Michael Forest, Wendee LeeCrying FreemanKuraingu furiman (1988)
Cu: Toshio Furukawa, Chiharu Kataishi, Ryusei NakaoGen: Animaţie, Crimă, Dramă
- Filme cu Roger Carel
Cele 12 munci ale lui AsterixLes Douze travaux d'Astérix (1976)
Cu: Roger Carel, Jacques Morel, René GoscinnyGen: Animaţie, Aventuri, ComedieLe vieil homme et l'enfantLe vieil homme et l'enfant (1967)
Cu: Michel Simon, Roger Carel, Denise PéronGen: Comedie, DramăLa revanche des humanoidesLa revanche des humanoides (1983)
Cu: Jean-Jacques Steen, Yves-Marie Maurin, Gilles Laurent