Adolfas MekasDoctor
Didem YalinayWoman spectator
Ozan AdamSecurity Guard
Yigit AdamAttendant at the opera
Safak AcarPweg
Cem YardimciPweg
Birgit WildfeuerLevos
Selahattin OzpalabiyiklarSeintn
Dionis EscorsaAssistant of the detective
Tugce OzbekSeintn's daughter
Orhan Cem CetinCaptain
Gulus Gulcugil TurkmenSeintn's daughter
Okan KayatasWaiter on deck
Fikret YaganTaxi driver
Yuksel YaganTaxi driver's father
Baris GerPatient
Lesli KaravilLevos
Begum MenguOpera singer
David SteegmannSeintn
Guillermo PfaffPweg
Markus GorgensDetective
Deniz AltayWoman spectator
Gorkem UnalAttendant at the opera
Richard SternSeintn
Leyla KayhanLady on the deck of the ship
Gozen AtillaWoman spectator
Roger CasasDriver