David WaymanGilbert
Nick Von SchlippeKing Vince
Tom EykelhofEdgar
Alex NowakEric
Alexandre Guedes de SousaLazy guard
Ben ShockleyRelic Seller
Christina BucherKatrina
Claira Watson ParrRachael
David OrpheusGuard with an arrow in his head
Henry JamesonRalph
Isadora BucherPants Seller
James HarrisonBishop
Jonathan DaviesSimon of Ayelsbury
Jonathan HanslerCedric
Klisman MuratiNigel
Maggie ErotokritouVeg seller
Mark JosephTristan the Stupid Guard
Mingus JohnstonCaptain Greaves
Nicholas HorwoodCheerful guard
Robert FeldmanBugler
Thiago LosStick Seller
Vidal SanchoMysterious Knight