Ronald ReaganGeorge Gipp
Pat O'BrienKnute Rockne
Albert BassermannFather Julius Nieuwland (as Albert Basserman)
Donald CrispFather John Callahan, C.S.C
Owen Davis Jr.Gus Dorais
John LitelCommittee Chairman
Nick LukatsHarry Stuhdreher-One of The Four Horsemen
William MarshallDon Miller - One of The Four Horsemen
Henry O'NeillDoctor
Gale PageBonnie Skiles Rockne
John QualenLars Knutson Rockne
Kane RichmondElmer Laydon - One of The Four Horsemn
Johnny SheffieldKnute - Age 7 (as John Sheffield)
Dorothy TreeMartha Rockne
Moreau Choir of Notre DameMoreau Choir (as The Moreau Choir of Notre Dame)