Danny DeVitoGrundle King (voce)
Nancy CartwrightGusty / Bushwoolie #4
Peter CullenGrundle/Ahgg
Russi TaylorMorning Glory / Rosedust / Bushwoolie / Skunk
Susan BluLofty/Grundle/Bushwoolie
Cathy CavadiniNorth Star
Laura DeanSundance/Bushwoolie #2
Cloris LeachmanHydia
Tony RandallThe Moochick
Madeline KahnDraggle
Rhea PerlmanReeka
Michael BellGrundle
Scott MenvilleDanny
Leo E. ArthurThe Moochick
Charles AdlerSpike / Woodland Creature
Nancy MillerGusty / Bushwoolie #4
Tammy AmersonMegan
Jon 'Bowzer' BaumanThe Smooze
Sheryl BernsteinButtons
Alice PlaytenBaby Lickety Split
Brad Caseanimation department
Charles Downsanimation department
Ray Johnsonanimation department
Mike Fallowsanimation department
Gerry Chiniquyanimation department
Corny Coleart department
Boyd Kirklandart department
Lenord Robinsonart department
Barry Caldwellart department
Hisao Shiraicamera and electrical departme
Michael J. Jacobscamera and electrical departme
Robert J. Walshdepartament sunet
Buzz Dixonmiscellaneous crew
Roger Slifermiscellaneous crew
Jay Bacalproducător
Margaret Loeschproducător
Nelson Shinproduction manager
Greg P. Russellsound department
Jeffrey J. Haboushsound department
Peter Tomaszewiczsound department
George Arthur Bloomscriitor