Comentarii Comentează
  • Maria230
    pe 29 Decembrie 2021 19:59
    Un film relativ urmarit doar jumatate de ora,secventele se termina prea repede si sunt il recomand!
  • OanaT.
    pe 26 Iulie 2012 12:26
    Ce personaj fantastic reuseste sa joace Tilda Swinton, si inca cum! Cred ca e un film despre placerea sau bucuria de a trai si despre libertatea fiecaruia, indiferent de sex, de perioada sau stare materiala. Sunt curioasa sa citesc si cartea.
  • pmaria2007
    pe 20 Noiembrie 2010 17:36
    One of the most spectacular self-discovering journeys, literature has known, has found a perfect adaptation on screen. We all say, at least once in our reader/spectator life that cinematographic adaptations never match the quality of the novels. Some do, some adaptations enrich the original to a point that one cannot be taken into consideration without the other. It is the case of Sally Potter’s Orlando based on Virginia Woolf’s novel, Olrando. If you read the book and see the movie, no matter in what order, you will never think of one without considering the other. At least, that is my case. Orlando is about a person’s journey to the inner self, to the perfect equilibrium of the human being. It is neither a man’s journey nor a woman’s, it is the voyage to freedom of the genderless heart and mind, encaged throughout history in the “how you should be” rules of the male or female behavior. You can read further: