Gina GershonEileen Phillips
Dennis HopperHarry Barlow
Jordan FriedaPierre
Alin OlteanuHarry Barlow (young)
Jim CarterMichael Philipps
Tomi CristinDetectiv
Mircea StoianDetectiv
Dominique SwainKelly Phillips
Ștefan VelniciucPreot
Daniela NaneSuburban Mom
Irina DinescuHotel Maid
William ArmstrongFraser MacDonald
David MurraySimeon Guant
Dragoș Bucur
Douglas W. Millerproducător
Martin J. Barabproducător
Stefan Jonasproducător
Alan Lathamproducător
Andrei Bonceaproducător
Luc Campeauproducător
Philippe Martinezproducător
Cosmin Cornisorart department
Dan Tomaart department
Ica Varnaart department
Nicolae Dumitruart department
Doina Repanoviciart department
Maria Peiciart director
Daniel Balteanucamera and electrical departme
Radu Marinescucamera and electrical departme
Octavian Andreescucamera and electrical departme
Bogdan Stanciucamera and electrical departme
Florin Mihalachecamera and electrical departme
Marius Ivaşcucamera and electrical departme
Dumitru Dragutcamera and electrical departme
Florin Manolescucamera and electrical departme
Violeta Rizeacamera and electrical departme
Bogdan Varzarucamera and electrical departme
Cos Aeleneicamera and electrical departme
Alexandru Duraccamera and electrical departme
Ionut Lupulescucamera and electrical departme
Lupsa Armandcamera and electrical departme
Daniel Marchidancamera and electrical departme
Daniel Ciobanucamera and electrical departme
Cătălin Ciobanucamera and electrical departme
Liliana Tomacasting department
Andreea Tănăsescucasting department
Florin Kevorkiancasting director
Tania Polentarutticasting director
Guy Farleydepartament sunet
Mihaela Popescucostume and wardrobe departmen
Mihaela Onegacostume and wardrobe departmen
Rodney Holland (I)montaj
Tiberiu Teodorescueditorial department
Fiona Mackayeditorial department
Burdette Andersoneditorial department
Andreea Dardeamake-up department
Angela Tuguimake-up department
Dana Roșeanumake-up department
Raul Cosmamiscellaneous crew
Marian Pascalemiscellaneous crew
Iulian Timoftemiscellaneous crew
Karen Alison Hamiltonmiscellaneous crew
Andra Barbuicamiscellaneous crew
Letiția Roșculețmiscellaneous crew
Gabriela Iacobmiscellaneous crew
Iulian Panamiscellaneous crew
Crăița Nanumiscellaneous crew
Guy Farleymusic department
Steve Parrmusic department
Radu Badicaproduction manager
Gisela Evertproduction manager
Monica Popasecond unit director or assist
Nicoleta Molnarsecond unit director or assist
Cristina Iliescusecond unit director or assist
Ica Varnaset decorator
Marius Emil Stanescusound department
Alan Freedmansound department
Marian Panasound department
Nils Karlsonsound department
Markus Munzsound department
Guido Zettiersound department
Adrian Popescuspecial effects
Adi Popescuspecial effects
Marian Pisauspecial effects
Bob Keenspecial effects
Mihai Iliescucascador
Adrian Nitatransportation department
Jevon O'Neillscriitor