when I try to catch
the robber, he turns into
my own son
enter second act.
things aren’t as bad as they seem –
they are much, much worse.
neuroplastic good.
plastic, though lasts forever.
always recycle!
pe 28 Aprilie 2014 23:38
Desi i love Christopher Nolan ENORM, trebuie sa recunosc ca inainte de Inception a fost Paprika.
pe 09 Octombrie 2009 22:55
Desen animat, nu pentru copii , ce incearca sa trateze, intr-un timp destul de scurt, un subiect cel putin interesant, acela al visului si controlului asupra lui.
the robber, he turns into
my own son
enter second act.
things aren’t as bad as they seem –
they are much, much worse.
neuroplastic good.
plastic, though lasts forever.
always recycle!