Hélène Cardona
Nia PeeplesSpeaker: 2nd Sphere - Mercury
Veronica De LaurentiisSpeaker: Dante and Beatrice enter the Empyrean
Marco FrisinaSpeaker: The End
Gianmario PaganoSpeaker: 4th Sphere - The Sun
Christopher VoglerSpeaker: 5th Sphere - Mars
Rico SimoniniSpeaker: 6th Sphere - Jupiter
Serena LorienSpeaker: The Creation of the Angels
Eve MauroSpeaker: Saint Bonaventura
Christina July KimSpeaker: 8th Sphere - Fixed Stars
Dennis SlatterySpeaker: 9th Sphere - Premium Mobile
Sheena ColetteSpeaker: The Eagle
Audrey SonnierSpeaker: 7th Sphere - Saturn
Brittany AsaroSpeaker: Piccarda Donati
Angela KereczSpeaker: The Spirits manifested in the Moon