Jennifer RubinEva
Scott PlankBig Boy
Juan FernándezPreot
Panchito GomezJuanito
Damon WhitakerRockitt
Damian ChapaPooch
Sal LandiDirector
Bob LarkinTony
Bob DelegallCaptain Reineke
Eugenie BondurantMel Taybach
Ricco ChapaLittle Boy
Philip CasnoffDetective Battaglia
William AthertonTerence McCone
Billy BastianiWaiter
Mandingo Warriorcamera and electrical departme
Michael Bonvillainimagine
Melissa Economycostume and wardrobe departmen
Leo Trombettamontaj
Vartan Nazarianeditorial department
Daniel Frischmiscellaneous crew
Paul Monesproducător
Guy Riedelproducător
Jon Kilikproducător
Gary Rizzosound department
Jon H. Epsteincascador
Paul Monesscriitor