Cherokee HallSluggo the Robot
Claude MilesDr. Bonilla Burrows / Cee Law Dee / Young Torgo / Guyfax the Wizard
Steve GuynnDr. Newton / Mellow Fellow
Atomic KittyHerself
Billy T. BoydSaucer Prophet / Captain Casual
Christopher S. LanhamReaper
Dave HaneySenator Rimshot
Eric ButtsNecromancer
Jaime PittengerIlsa Burrows
Jake LemasterKing's Guardsman
Jane BredesonVampire Goddess
Jason CroweKing Minos
Jerry WilliamsSpango
Kay MadrickMaddox
Keith DodsonGeneral Krueger
Rebecca SpiersDemonia
Rob ThomasOutrageous Space Scientician
Roni JonahQueen Penelope / Drunk Horny Sister
Russ CroleyDr. Holman
Ryan BuckleyTrouser Snake
Shauna TackettQueen Shirley
Stacey T. GillespieOlaf / Murdered Man
Tim RitterDr. Tim Ritter