O petrecere a burlacilor devine o luptă pentru supraviețuire sălbatică când cavalerul de onoare declanșează involuntar un prădător legendar.
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Chase WilliamsonJonah
Justin WelbornMr. Nyx
Hannah FiermanLily
Blair RedfordDrunk Guy
Preston James HillierOfficer Collins
Randy McDowellElliott
Jude S. WalkoTemptations Bartender
Michael Aaron MilliganMac
Elyse DufourAoide
Lindsey GarrettEva
Stephen CaudillSheriff Boone
Susanne Marie DangerIntoxicated stripper
Brian F. DurkinOfficer O'Bryan
Brittany S. HallAsh
Dana Joyce SchillerCancer Patient
- Gregg Bishop
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- Filme regizate de Gregg Bishop
Dance of the Dead (2008)Dance of the Dead
Cu: Justin Welborn, Stephen Caudill, Jared KusnitzGen: Aventuri, HorrorEvadare din Iad (2006)The Other Side
Cu: Lucas Till, Jaimie Alexander, Bren AllisonGen: Acţiune, Thriller
- Filme cu Chase Williamson
The Guest (2014)The Guest
Cu: Sheila Kelley, Maika Monroe, Dan StevensGen: ThrillerJohn moare la sfârșit (2012)John Dies at the End
Cu: Chase Williamson, Paul Giamatti, Rob MayesGen: Comedie, Fantastic, HorrorBeyond the Gates (2016)Beyond the Gates
Cu: David Bruckner, Henry LeBlanc, Matt Mercer
- Filme cu Justin Welborn
The Crazies (2010)The Crazies
Cu: Danielle Panabaker, Timothy Olyphant, Larry CedarGen: Acţiune, Dramă, HorrorSemnalul (2007)The Signal
Cu: Jeff Adelman, Claire Bronson, Chad McKnightGen: HorrorV/H/S: Viral (2014)V/H/S: Viral
Cu: Amanda Baker, Steve Berens, Gregg Bishop
- Filme cu Hannah Fierman