Melvyn DouglasSen. Joseph Carmichael
George C. ScottJohn Russell
Hagan Beggsgropar
Madeleine SherwoodMrs. Norman
Louis ZorichStewart Adler
Trish Van DevereClaire Norman
Antonia ReyEstancia
Anna HaganSecretary
Barry MorseDoctor Pemberton
Eric ChristmasAlbert Harmon
Terence KellySgt. Durban
Roberta MaxwellEva Lingstrom
John ColicosDe Witt
Jean MarshJoanna Russell
Bernard BehrensRobert Lingstrom
Helen BurnsLeah Harmon
J. Kenneth CampbellSecurity Guard
James B. DouglasEugene Carmichael
Frances HylandMrs. Grey
Ruth SpringfordMinnie Huxley
Steve Shewchukart department
Brenton Spencercamera and electrical departme
Albert Wolskycostume and wardrobe departmen
Paul Rubelleditorial department
Lou Lombardoeditorial department
Mitchell Sinowayeditorial department
Tom Braidwoodmiscellaneous crew
Kimberley Richardsonmiscellaneous crew
Howard Blakemusic department
Kenneth Wannbergmusic department
Albert Woodburymusic department
Mario Kassarproducător
Joel B. Michaelsproducător
Andrew G. Vajnaproducător
Trevor Williamsdesign de producţie
Dennis Drummond (I)sound department
Patrick Drummondsound department
Max Klevencascador
Diana Maddoxscriitor
William Grayscriitor