Peter CoyoteHenry Tobel
Jürgen ProchnowGunter Wallraff
Günter MeisnerJudecător
Philip AnglimRolf Gruel
László I. Kish2nd State Security Man
Florence PernelAngel
Nils TavernierKlamph
Sylvie GranotierKathy Heller
Nathalie BayeChristine
Fernand GuiotMantz
Hippolyte GirardotRudolph Schick
Barbara WilliamsJudie Brandt
Rene BazinetHerbert Stroh
Christine MurilloAngela
Philippe LeroyBorges
Henry G. SandersEvans
Monique van de VenTina Wallraff
James LaurensonMueller
Dieter LaserLeonard Schroeter
Mark ZakAide To Borges
Myriam Vinocourcamera and electrical departme
Ricardo Aronovichimagine
Richard Byardeditorial department
Sylvie Aidmake-up department
Philippe Diazproducător
Bobby Rothproducător
Klaus Rettigproducător
Kelly Leesound department
Robert Thirlwellsound department
Dan Wallinsound department
Greg P. Russellsound department
Lon Bendersound department
Dan Hegemansound department
Alain Guerillotcascador
Daniel Veritecascador
Ted Fieldmulţumiri
Tchéky Karyomulţumiri
Bertrand Taverniermulţumiri
Michael Ballhausmulţumiri
Patricia Cliffordmulţumiri
Sara Rishermulţumiri
Bobby Rothscriitor