Jackie ChanBilly Wong
Danny AielloDanny Garoni
Hoi San LeeWing (Hong Kong version)
Moon LeeSoo Ling
Roy ChiaoMr. Ko
Ronan O'CaseyPolice Commissioner
Becky Ann BakerSamantha Alexander
Sally YehSally
Trey WilsonŞofer de camion
Hark-On Fung
Kwan YeungLee Hing
Mike StarrHood #2
John SpencerKo's Pilot
James GlickenhausMan walking in front of store
Victor ArnoldPolice Captain
Al CerulloHelicopter Pilot
Big John StuddHuge Hood
Paul L. SmithMr. Booar
Leonard Hoproducător
Raymond Chowproducător
Oliver Wongart department
Constantine Makriscamera and electrical departme
George Pattisoncamera and electrical departme
Al Cerullocamera and electrical departme
Mark Irwinimagine
Ken Thornedepartament sunet
Yao Chung Changmontaj
Evan A. Lottmanmontaj
Fat Wanmiscellaneous crew
Marsmiscellaneous crew
Paul Wongmiscellaneous crew
Mario Costasound department
James Glickenhausscriitor