"The Voyage of Charles Darwin" (1978)
"The Voyage of Charles Darwin"
60 minute (7 episodes)
imdb: 8.5
Premiera în România: 27.01.1980AG - Audienta generala
un premiu BAFTA
- Comentarii Comenteaza
- Filme cu Robert Stephens
"Fortunes of War" (1987)"Fortunes of War"
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- Filme cu David Ashton
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- Filme cu George Cole (I)
Scrooge (1951)Scrooge
Cu: Alastair Sim, Hermione Youlanda Ruby Clinton-Baddeley, Kathleen HarrisonGen: Dramă, Fantastic"Blott on the Landscape" (1985)"Blott on the Landscape"
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Cu: John Welsh, George Cole (I), Olga Lindo