Naomi WattsFanny Grey
Michael YorkPaul Mason
Rachel WardAnnette Cosway
Claudia RobinsonChristophene
Karina LombardAntoinette Cosway
Nathaniel ParkerEdward Rochester
Rowena KingAmelie
Martine BeswickAunt Cora
Casey BernaYoung Antoinette
Paul CampbellYoung Bull
Ancile GloudonNelson
Dominic NeedhamPierre
Audbrey PilatusDrummer
Kevin ThomasBenbow
Michael Howellsart department
Kathryn Millisscamera and electrical departme
Gabriel Beristaincamera and electrical departme
Tony Rowlandcamera and electrical departme
James Aspinallcamera and electrical departme
George Mooradiancamera and electrical departme
Gary Capocamera and electrical departme
Geoff Burtonimagine
Stewart Copelanddepartament sunet
Anne Goursaudmontaj
Annette Milesmake-up department
Gerald Sullivanmiscellaneous crew
Beth DePatiemiscellaneous crew
Jan Sharpproducător
Sara Risherproducător
Karen Kochproducător
Franckie Diagodesign de producţie
Deborah Mooreproduction manager
Eric McLeodproduction manager
Joyce Herlihyproduction manager
Jan Sharpsecond unit director or assist
Ron von Blombergset decorator
Bill Liusound department
Howard A. Anderson (I)visual effects
Jan Sharpscriitor