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  • alex_il_fenomeno
    pe 02 Ianuarie 2022 22:49
    Alt episod dark, ceva ce nu s-ar fi dat niciodata la televiziunile din US/Europa, din cauza lipsei de scrupule totusi (faptele urate trebuiesc pedepsite, dar totusi).

    Pentru cine vrea sa isi reaminteasca acest episod:

    "Honda buys a watch for Miho, and he gets lucky as he manages to get the last one in stock. When a guy that obsessively collects watches sees that there aren't any more watches, he steals the watch from Honda, who in turn gets slapped by an angry Miho. Yugi follows and gets beaten up as he attempts to reclaim the watch. However, as the thief tries to leave, Yami Yugi emerges and promptly challenges him to a Shadow Game for the watch. The thief loses and Yugi returns the watch to Miho. As punishment, the man is turned into a living clock with watches embedded in his entire body and subsequently goes insane."