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  • alex_il_fenomeno
    pe 02 Ianuarie 2022 23:33
    Nu am fost fan de alte incercari de marketing in acest serial (cum a fost chiar si Dungeon Dice, cel promovat de Duke in ultimele episoade ale unui sezon, ca aparent sa aflu ca a fost un alt joc promovat de companie, dar fara succes, bineinteles), insa miza era destul de mare, fata de duelul cu Duke.

    Pentru cine a uitat plot-ul:

    "Yugi befriends a bullied boy named Imori, and the two discover the forbidden game Dragon Block. The evil game takes control of Imori and he challenges a clueless Yugi to play the game. The evil Imori overcomes Yugi, causing him to lose his soul. However, it turns out that Yami Yugi is still there, and he challenges Imori to a Shadow Game where the loser's soul will be devoured by the Dragon Block."